Time: 3 hours
Marks: 100
- Attempt any four of the following:
- Explain the meaning of following expression f(n) is n0(1)
- Prove the following statement
2n+a is 0(2n) - Find the computational complexity for the following
for (cnt 4 = 0, i=1; i<=n, i*=2)
for (j=1; j<=i, j++)
cnt 4++; - Write a member function to check whether two singly
lists have the same contents.
- Write a member function to reverse a singly linked list
using only one pass through the list.
- Write a function to insert a node in the middle of a
doubly linked list.
- Attempt any two of the following:
- Define a queue in terms of a stack. Write a program using stack that determines whether an
- Suggest an implementation of a stack to hold elements of two types such as structures and float numbers.
- Write a functions to add and delete elements from either end of the double-ended queue and also to return an element from either end.
- Attempt any two of the following:
- Show that the hash function h(k) = k% 17 does not satisfy the one-way property, weak collision resistance, or strong collision resistance.
- Write search and insert functions for a hash table using random probing and the mid square hash function.
- Outline an algorithm to delete key from a table when the linear hashing method is used for inserting keys.
- Attempt any two of the following:
- Write a function that checks whether a binary tree is perfectly balanced.
- Write a function to construct a winner tree for k records. Assume that K is a power of 2. Each node at which a tournament is played should store only a pointer to the winner.
- Heap sort is unstable. Give an example of an input list in which the order of records with equal keys is not preserved.
- Attempt any two of the following:
- Show that the sum of the vertices of an undirected graph is twice the number of edges.
- Let G be an undirected graph with at least one vertex of odd degree. Show that G contains no Eulerian walk.
- Let G be a connected graph and let T be any of its depth-first spanning trees. Show that G has no cross edges relative to T.