SEM-V, 2011-12
Time: 3 hours
Total Marks: 100
Attempt any four parts:
- What is open loop and closed loop system? Giveadvantages and disadvantages of closed loop control system.
- Explain force-voltage analogy with relevant diagram andequations.
- Draw f-i analog system of Fig. 1.
Figure. 1 - Determine the transfer function C/R from the system shown in Fig. 2, using block diagram reduction technique.
Figure . 2 - Represent the following set of equation by a signal flow graph and determine the overall gain relating x and x using Mason's gain formula.
x = ax1 + fx2 x = bx2 + ex4
x = cx3 + hx5 x = dx4 + gx2 - For the following mechanical system shown in Fig. 3.
(a) Draw free body diagram
(b) Write the system dynamic equations
(c) Draw electrical analogous circuitFigure.3
Attempt any four parts:
- Derive expression for time response of second order control system for unit step input.
- When a second order control system is subjected to a unit step input, the values of ξ= 0.5 and ωn = 6 rad/sec. Determine the rise time, and peak overshoot
- For the system shown in Fig.4. Determine Kp and ess for unit step input.
Figure.4 - What are dynamic error coefficients?
- Classify the various types of controllers; also discuss in brief PID control action.
- A unity feedback system is characterized by an open loop transfer function.
Determine the gain K so that the system will have a damping ration of 0.5. For this value of K determine settling time and peak time for a unit step input.
Attempt any two parts:
- Explain sampler, sampling process, sampling theorem and zero-order-hold-circuit used in sampled data control system.
- Explain any five properties of z-transformation and solve the difference equation c(k+2)+3c(k+1)+2c(k)=u)k; c(0)=1 and c(k)=0 for k<-1.
- Determine the pulse transfer function and stability for the system shown in fig.5, for
(a) T = 0.5 sec
(b) T = 1.0 secFigure.5
Attempt any two parts:
- How Diagonalization is done in discrete control system? Write down model matrix and diagonal matrix for the system having coefficients matrix.
- Write down properties of state transition matrix. Obtain the time response of the system given below.
x = ax
Wheregiven x(0) = [1 1]T And
- Check the controllability and observability of a system having following coefficient matrices.
Attempt any two parts:
- What is purpose of linearization? Describe the linearization process of a non-linear state model.
- How stability of non linear system is checked by Liapunov's stability criteria? Consider a non linear system is described by the equation
x1 = x2
x2 = - x2 – x13
Check the stability of the system by Liapunov's method. - Construct a Liapunov's function for the following system using variable gradient method and examine stability of the following system
x1 = -x1 - 2x12 x2
x2 = -x2